
Dawn Bissell

I am writing to say a Big Thanks for your help in helping us to make our Girl Guiding Event on 10th July to Barmouth a Big Success.
I would also personally like to thank Ros and Sandra for all their help and patience with the coach pickups, change of numbers and the numerous times I have phoned and called in.

30th Dec '15
David Holliday

I was a member of the MCAA Management team for the visit to Brussels/Antwerp last weekend for which your Company provided the coach transport. Firstly may i thank you for the excellent coach provided and secondly can i congratulate the first rate service provided by your driver - Jim. I also have a personal thanks to convey. On our return to Alexander Stadium i had a mobile call from my wife, who was due to pick me up, to say that she was hopelessly "lost". I finally ascertained that she was at a garage in Wednesbury. Jim and myself found where she was on the A-Z. Jim immediately put my luggage on board and drove me to Wednesbury where we found my "damsel in distress". I have already thanked Jim for so kindly helping the situation to be resolved.

30th Dec '15
Keith Bate

As you will be aware we carefully review and evaluate our approaches to full time student enrolment. At this time of year I work with senior colleagues in monitoring progress each day. A very positive development this year has been the contribution of your staff in supporting activities through attendance at the main admissions time. This has been appreciated by staff and prospective students. Your staff have been very good ambassadors for Prospect Coaches.
Thank you for your support. I look forward to the next few weeks working as smoothly as last year.

30th Dec '15

We would like to thank Steve the driver who took us to London on Sunday 19th December in horrendous weather conditions.
Steve is an amazing driver and we all felt very safe on his coach.
The roads were horrendous and we couldn't believe how well he handled the coach.
Once again many thanks and we will not hesitate in using your services in future and recommending your company to other people.

30th Dec '15
Mrs L Scott

On Friday 7th January 2011, 350 children plus staff and many parents and guests went to see Aladdin at The Grand Theatre Wolverhampton; Prospect Coaches provided the 7 coaches needed to take us.
All coaches arrived on time at the school and when we came out of the theatre they were waiting for us and each driver helped everyone to their coach to make sure we were all safely boarded.
The headteacher, Mr Porter was on coach number 2 and commented that their driver was very helpful and very polite as were all the drivers.
I would also like to thank the office staff for their efficient organisation of our coaches. The whole visit was a huge undertaking on our part and knowing that the coahes would be well organised was a great help to me.

30th Dec '15